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HCA Healthcare hospitals by state

HCA Healthcare is the largest IDN in the U.S. by number of hospitals as well as net patient revenue. With more than 200 total hospitals, it outsizes other top health systems like Universal Health Services and CommonSpirit Health.

What is an HCA hospital?

An HCA hospital is a hospital that is owned and operated by HCA Healthcare or the Hospital Corporation of America. The HCA health system was founded in 1968 in Nashville, Tennessee.

How many HCA hospitals are there?

Based on data from the Definitive Healthcare HospitalView product, HCA Healthcare operates 214 hospitals across 19 states and the United Kingdom, making it the largest health system in the country. However, HCA also operates hundreds of other healthcare organizations, such as ambulatory service centers,physician groups, imaging centers, and more.

HCA Healthcare is currently the largest health system in the country by net patient revenue, number of hospitals, and total hospital square footage. As a result, HCA has had a significant influence on healthcare in the U.S. for the last several years.

How prominent is HCA?

As the largest healthcare system in the country, HCA has had a significant influence on healthcare in the U.S. for the last several years. The health system has facilities in 19 states and is the IDN with the largest hospital facility square footage.

Below is a list of HCA hospitals by state.

Number of HCA hospitals by U.S. state

RankStateNumber of HCA hospitalsExplore dataset
5North Carolina10Explore
12South Carolina5Explore
14New Hampshire3Explore

Fig. 1 Data is from the Definitive Healthcare HospitalView product. Accessed August 2023.

Where does HCA have the most hospitals?

HCA hospitals mapped by state

Fig. 2 Data is from the Definitive Healthcare HospitalView product. Accessed August 2023.

HCA Healthcare has the most hospitals in Texas, with 62. The state with the second most HCA hospitals is Florida, with 49. These two states have a significant lead over the rest of the states.

HCA is headquartered in Tennessee, which may explain why many of its network hospitals are based in Tennessee and the surrounding states in the U.S. Additional states with more than 10 HCA hospitals include:

Interestingly, while the state of Nevada has only four HCA hospitals, Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center in Las Vegas is one of the top HCA hospitals nationwide by net patient revenue.

Learn more

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