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Where are my ideal patients getting care?

Mar 29th, 2022

By Alex Card 3 min read
Where are my ideal patients getting care?

It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your patients are?

If your company develops treatments for highly specific patient cohorts, you can’t fully understand those patients until you know where they’re receiving care.

Latitude Reporting, our claims analytics solution for life science companies, now includes five brand-new reports that offer deeper intelligence into the networks, facilities and patient cohorts.

Part of our Latitude Analytics Suite, these new reports help you understand where patients in your target cohort are receiving care, as well as who’s providing it. With this information, you can tailor your product and service offerings to the facilities that you sell into—or discover new, high-value networks and facilities to focus your efforts.

The new reports feature the same customization options offered in our existing Latitude Reporting templates, so you can easily see the diagnoses, procedures and clinicians associated with your ideal patients.

Make more informed commercialization decisions

There’s no getting around it: developing a new treatment and bringing it to market is tough.

From the get-go, you’re looking at an R&D bill to the tune of millions, plus a 3-to-12-year Food and Drug Administration approval process—and that’s assuming everything goes smoothly.

If you want to reduce your risk of joining the 88% of drugs that fail FDA approval, then you need to make the best decisions you can while using the most current data.

The new facility data views in Latitude Reporting bring together the patient, provider and treatment information you need into quickly customizable reports that are easy to modify as your needs change. As a user, you can analyze your patients’ preferences and care decisions from a birds-eye view or drill down into more granular cohorts and codesets.

Let’s take a look at the five new facility-level reports available in Latitude Reporting:

  • Facility Essentials shows you where your cohort patients are being seen for a relevant claim.
  • Facility Essentials by Provider shows you where a care event took place, as well as who provided that care.
  • Network Rollup offers a network-level look at where your patients are receiving care.
  • Place of Service categorizes care events by generalized locations, such as a physician’s office or inpatient hospital.
  • Place of Service by Provider includes more detailed information about where and from whom a patient received care.

With these reports at your fingertips, you’re ready to identify total addressable market, perform competitive analyses and develop go-to-market strategies for specific facilities and networks.

Define patient cohorts your way

Our solutions engineers are happy to solve clients’ more novel business needs, but we’re always looking for new ways to put more power in users’ hands. Latitude Reporting users can now edit their own codesets and cohorts, helping you and your organization find critical answers faster.

This feature applies updated codeset definitions to all cohorts using that codeset and vice versa, so you’ll never need to manually cross-reference old reports.

As with the entire Latitude Analytics Suite, Latitude Reporting is built on real-time claims data, so your cohorts and data sets are never out of date. Refreshing reports with the latest healthcare commercial intelligence is as simple as re-running the report.

Latitude Reporting also integrates seamlessly with Latitude Discovery, an analytical tool that helps pre-commercial life science organizations quickly assess and size market opportunities using real-world data. When used together, the Latitude Analytics Suite can help you find answers to your biggest sales and marketing questions at every point of the product journey.

Learn more

Latitude Reporting offers more value than ever with the addition of our new facility reporting features. If your organization is looking for healthcare commercial intelligence to guide your commercialization decisions, look no further. And if you need a data-agnostic analytics solution to bring together data from inside and outside your organization, be sure to check out Passport Analytics Suite.

Want to try Latitude Reporting for yourself? Sign up today for a free trial and discover your next market opportunity with Definitive Healthcare’s commercial intelligence solutions.

Alex Card

About the Author

Alex Card

Alex Card is a senior content writer at Definitive Healthcare. His work has been cited in Becker's Hospital Review, Forrester Research, HealthTech, Insider Intelligence, and…

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