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These are the key opinion leaders you're looking for

Jun 14th, 2022

By Alex Card 2 min read
These are the key opinion leaders you're looking for

The experts that your life science organization is looking for are all around if you just know where to look. And with today’s launch of Monocl ExpertInsight 2.0, nearly 13 million of them are just a click—or tap—away.

It might sound like science fiction, but right now, in this very galaxy, our healthcare commercial intelligence platform features brand-new, user-requested improvements to help medical science liaisons (MSLs) and medical affairs teams find the experts best suited to enhance the scientific impact of their organizations’ drug or device and decrease those products’ time to market.

No Jedi mind tricks here: Monocl ExpertInsight 2.0 now boasts nearly 13 million expert profiles and a completely redesigned user interface, making it faster and easier for medical affairs teams to access up-to-date, reliable intelligence on the thought leaders who can support their therapy or device.

We listened to customer feedback and rebuilt the user experience from the ground up, streamlining workflow with improved mapping and search functionality, real-time filters, engagement tools and compatibility with all screen sizes.

Keep reading to learn how Monocl ExpertInsight 2.0 can help you quickly identify and engage the experts who can assist your organization in communicating increasingly complex medical information to your unique audience.


All the experts you need, plus the filters you need to find them

Depending on your therapy area and strategic objectives, finding the right expert can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack—or a droid in a desert.

The latest update to ExpertInsight ensures you never have to stumble through an abundance of contextless expert profiles or scrape through too few. We’re excited to equip medical affairs professionals with powerful new tools, so you can intuitively navigate our roster of nearly 13 million experts and find the perfect match:

  • Live filters provide the most relevant results in real time based on the criteria that matter most to you.
  • Upgraded search functionalities make it easy to narrow or broaden results to your target disease state or patient cohort.
  • Dynamic mapping helps you find key opinion leaders (KOLs) at a city-level view with real-time filters.

Need to know which experts are seasoned conference speakers? Looking for someone with clout in a specific association? Our expert profiles are built from millions of reference points that can be easily filtered by publication history, conference presentations, professional associations and other key factors, so you can develop more informed medical strategies with ease.

Work smarter, work faster, work wherever

As a medical affairs professional, you’re probably on the road a lot. Chances are, you don’t have access to your desktop—or even your laptop—as often as you’d like.

ExpertInsight 2.0 is optimized for all display sizes and aspect ratios, including tablets, so you can identify and reach out to the right expert wherever you are, using whatever device you have handy.

We’ve also updated the interface based on user feedback to maximize intuitiveness and ease of use, so you can spend less time searching for and more time engaging with your next KOL.

Need ExpertInsight to fit in your pocket? We’re way ahead of you: The 2.0 update also features the launch of ExpertGO, a new mobile app that offers immediate access to nearly 13 million expert profiles and their latest intelligence, activities and collaborations.

We’ll highlight the full feature set of ExpertGO in our next entry, so keep an eye on the blog to learn more about this exciting addition to the Definitive Healthcare platform.

Learn more

Monocl ExpertInsight 2.0 is making expert identification faster, easier and more portable for medical affairs teams. But it’s only one part of our robust healthcare commercial intelligence platform.

Want to see how Definitive Healthcare can help you discover your next market opportunity or game-changing KOL? Sign up for a product demo today to see the full, hands-on experience with ExpertInsight and our other intelligence solutions.

Alex Card

About the Author

Alex Card

Alex Card is a senior content writer at Definitive Healthcare. His work has been cited in Becker's Hospital Review, Forrester Research, HealthTech, Insider Intelligence, and…

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