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The behavioral health market is complicated—but it doesn't have to be

Jul 19th, 2023

By Alex Card 4 min read

America’s got a lot on its mind these days. In the past few years, the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, economic downturns, and threats of global conflict have contributed to Americans’ worsening mental health.

In one Kaiser Family Foundation study, more than half of respondents reported negative behavioral health effects related to COVID-19 in July 2020. Additionally, our own claims data shows anxiety and depression diagnoses rose 12% and 4% respectively the same year. Altogether, more than one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness.

To address this rapidly growing demand for care, the behavioral health industry is also growing—but the industry faces challenges related to gaps in clinical and scientific knowledge, lack of resources and personnel, and limited coordination across the care continuum.

If you’re participating in the behavioral market— either as someone delivering care or providing goods and services to those caregivers—it can be overwhelming trying to navigate all the different types of care delivery locations and facilities.  But it doesn’t have to be.

Enter Definitive Healthcare’s new Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset. The latest addition to our industry-leading Atlas Dataset offers commercial intelligence on behavioral health facilities across the U.S., combining multiple datasets with proprietary algorithms and research to deliver important insights on market trends and opportunities.

Seeking facilities with expansion plans for your next growth opportunity? Want to know which networks are treating your target patient population? Looking for physician groups that specialize in your therapeutic focus? Powered by proprietary algorithms and dedicated research, the Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset helps you quickly understand the market and execute your vision.

Find the facilities that need your products

Behavioral health isn’t one-size-fits-all. It’s delivered in a wide variety of inpatient, outpatient, rehabilitative, and therapeutic facilities, and some patients’ care journeys may involve each of these settings.

With the Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset, you get a comprehensive view of every part of the patient journey. Whether you’re looking to optimize facility planning, discover partnership opportunities, plan sales and marketing efforts, or engage accounts more effectively, the Atlas Dataset delivers the longitudinal, up-to-date intelligence you need to achieve your goals within this complex space.

Firmographic, affiliations, and claims data on behavioral healthcare organizations help you:

  • Inform planning around new service lines and facility expansions
  • Allocate territories and resources by patient volumes, competitive pressures, and facility access
  • Identify potential partners for joint ventures and research collaboration

Interested in getting access to this wealth of useful commercial intelligence? The Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset is available directly through Snowflake or custom reporting from the Definitive Healthcare Professional Services team.

Get a map of the behavioral health landscape

If you’re having trouble mapping the behavioral health landscape, don’t worry—we’re here to help. The behavioral health market is just hazier than most, due to the wide variety of care sites, complex affiliations, and limited available data.

The Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset delivers data on facilities’ geographical distribution, size, services, and performance so you can understand the market, your competition, and potential opportunities for growth.

Wondering who in your company could use this data? A lot of people. For instance, business development teams can use data on facility concentration, patient volumes, and availability of specific services to plan for expansions. Sales and marketing teams can leverage deep facility and organizational insights to create more meaningful target segments, shape messaging, and prioritize their efforts. And product teams can use it to uncover unmet needs to build the next generation of products for this rapidly growing market.

And if you combine the Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset with our physician affiliations model, then you can get an even closer look into the procedures, diagnoses, and clinical volumes that define hundreds of thousands of unique relationships across the industry. You can also track patients’ unique care journeys across the care continuum.

See where and how behavioral health professionals are really practicing

Looking for a specific type of healthcare professional (HCP) in behavioral health can be tricky. The field is full of specialists, many of whom practice beyond the specialties listed on their resumes—a facility’s family practitioner may be providing mental health support to more of your target patients than the staff psychiatrist, for instance.

The Atlas Behavioral Healthcare Dataset gives you visibility into where and how physicians are actually practicing—from hospitals to assisted living facilities to physician group offices—by examining their full panel of patients through procedure claims. With these insights, you can more accurately size your market and precisely identify the physicians who can benefit most from your business or serve as the ideal partner for research and development.

Need a partner to help run your next clinical trial? Our dataset makes it easy to find physicians with the right combination of experience and expertise. Want to tailor content for physicians around the local trends and regulations that impact them? Look no further. By integrating multiple data sources, in-house research, and self-reported facility and provider information, the Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset gives you customized, easy-to-digest reporting on the providers that matter most to your business.

Learn more

Interested in learning more about inpatient and outpatient behavioral health facilities and providers? Sign up for a free trial today to get a sample dataset and start discovering opportunities within the complex behavioral health delivery system.

The Atlas Behavioral Health Dataset is available directly through Snowflake or custom reporting from the Definitive Healthcare Professional Services team. Explore our full range of datasets and data integration options here.

Alex Card

About the Author

Alex Card

Alex Card is a senior content writer at Definitive Healthcare. His work has been cited in Becker's Hospital Review, Forrester Research, HealthTech, Insider Intelligence, and…

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