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How to build a patient-centric marketing plan using data

Picture this: in 1983, the digital landscape was nascent—only 8% of U.S. households had a computer, and the internet was a distant dream. Fast forward to today, and we’re immersed in a world where 99% of U.S. households subscribe to at least one streaming service, and technology permeates every aspect of our lives.

For healthcare marketers, this isn’t just a stat—it’s a call to action. Today’s patients are highly informed and tech-savvy. They don’t just rely on traditional sources like physician referrals or hospital brochures; they research online, compare providers, and make decisions based on peer reviews and social media influence. The journey to finding healthcare services is no longer straightforward.

The evolution from a tech-limited to a tech-saturated environment has transformed patients from passive recipients of information into active healthcare consumers in a dynamic digital ecosystem. The challenge for marketers today is to connect with these patients where they are and in meaningful ways that reflect their evolving expectations.

In this world, using data to reach patients isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. By tapping into consumer data, you can craft marketing strategies that genuinely connect with patients, driving engagement with your services. Here are three ways to build a patient-centric marketing plan using the right data.

1. Understand your market opportunities

To create a patient-centric marketing plan, the first step is to thoroughly analyze and understand your market opportunities within the provider space. Team up with your strategy team to gather and interpret healthcare consumer data. This collaboration makes certain that your insights are aligned with both your overall business goals and what your patient population needs.

Here’s what the right data can tell you about your market:

Spot unmet medical needs

Data can uncover gaps in the services you offer, helping you pinpoint areas of unmet need and where you can make a real impact. For example, if your data shows a high incidence of a particular condition in your area but a lack of services, you can develop specialized programs to address it.

Service line expansion

Data isn’t just about knowing where you stand; it’s also about seeing where you can grow. This might involve expanding existing service lines or introducing new ones in response to patient demand and emerging trends.

Targeted outreach programs

Data allows you to design highly targeted campaigns, focusing on the patient segments that matter most. For example, if you see a growing prevalence of diabetes in your service area, you can create targeted outreach programs that speak directly to their needs.

Competitive analysis

Understanding your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses through data can help you identify opportunities to differentiate your services. If competitors are missing the mark on certain patient needs, seize the chance to step in and fill that gap.

2. Leverage advanced audience segmentation

Advanced audience segmentation isn’t just a marketing buzzword—it’s the key to crafting provider marketing campaigns that convert. By slicing your patient base into distinct segments, you can tailor your messages to hit the right note, addressing their specific needs and preferences with precision. According to McKinsey, companies that excel in personalization not only generate 40% more revenue but also reduce customer acquisition costs by up to 50%.

Here’s what segmentation in your patient-centric marketing plan can do for you:

Improve conversion rates

Targeting patient segments with personalized content not only captures their attention but also increases the chances of conversion. When consumers see messages that speak directly to their needs, they’re more inclined to engage with your product or services.

Increase relevance

Segmentation transforms your marketing from generic to genuinely impactful. By tailoring your messages to address specific concerns of your patient population, you ensure that what you’re communicating is relevant and compelling, making patients more likely to respond positively.

More efficient marketing spend

Why waste resources on broad, ineffective campaigns? Targeted marketing ensures your budget is focused on high-potential segments. This approach maximizes your return on investment by directing your efforts where they’ll make the biggest impact.

Segmenting your healthcare audience requires a nuanced approach, as various factors can impact your strategy’s effectiveness. Some methods are straightforward, while others leverage advanced analytics to predict patient needs.

Here are three patient marketing segmentation techniques:

  • Demographic segmentation: This involves dividing your audience based on age, gender, income, location, and other demographic factors.
  • Behavioral segmentation: Dive into patient behaviors like website visits, appointment history, and preventive care habits. For example, targeting patients who are overdue for a mammogram can prompt them to schedule necessary screenings, driving early detection.
  • Clinical propensity models: You can use propensity models to predict which patients are most likely to develop certain conditions or exhibit specific behaviors. Identifying those who might need knee replacement surgery, for instance, allows you to proactively offer relevant information and services.

3. Build and activate personalized healthcare marketing campaigns

With your market analysis and audience segmentation in hand, it’s time to bring your marketing strategy to life with campaigns that speak directly to your existing or prospective patients. Leveraging de-identified and compliant patient data and consumer analytics, you can transform your insights into highly targeted marketing campaigns.

Optimize your channel mix

Think of channels as your toolkit for reaching patients in the places they frequent. Whether it’s email, social media, mobile apps, websites, TV, or radio, each platform offers a unique way to connect. Craft your messages to fit the strengths of each channel—social media for engaging visuals and real-time updates, email for detailed information and follow-ups, and TV or radio for broad-reaching awareness campaigns.

Target specific platforms and services

Dive deeper into your data to find out where your most engaged patients spend their time. For example, if your analysis shows that a key patient segment is active on Instagram and Twitter, tailor your campaigns to these platforms. You can craft interactive posts, stories, and ads that resonate with their interests and needs. Personalized digital interactions not only boost engagement but also foster stronger patient relationships.

Reduce your acquisition costs

Efficient marketing is all about smart spending. By delivering the right messages on the right platforms, you can cut down on wasted ad spend and amplify your results. Use your data to pinpoint patient segments that are most likely to engage with specific campaigns. For instance, if data shows that people who have recently moved are likely to switch medical providers, direct your resources toward that segment with customized, relevant messaging to maximize your patient acquisition efforts.

What it all means

Building a patient-centric marketing plan requires more than just understanding your market and segmenting your audience. It’s about breathing life into your strategy with tailored, data-driven campaigns that meet patients where they are and speak to their unique needs. By leveraging data throughout, you can enhance engagement, reduce marketing costs, and ultimately drive higher patient acquisition.

Ready to elevate your patient-centric marketing strategy? Definitive Healthcare’s data products and solutions provide advanced segmentation and insights, enabling you to target and engage your ideal patient populations with precision. Our platform allows you to refine audience segments, build campaigns, and execute effective digital activations, delivering personalized campaigns that connect deeply with your audience and drive measurable results. Start your journey with a personalized demo today.