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Introducing Latitude Reporting

Oct 18th, 2021

Introducing Latitude Reporting

For more than 10 years, Definitive Healthcare has helped countless companies create new paths to commercial success and grow their business. Our mission is to transform data, analytics and expertise into healthcare commercial intelligence, which our customers can use to understand, navigate and sell into the complex healthcare ecosystem.

Now, we’ve reached the next step in that mission. After months of development, refinement and behind-the-scenes magic, we’re super excited to announce the launch of a new tool that puts the power of commercial intelligence into your hands. No data science degree required.

Introducing: Latitude Reporting.

Latitude Reporting enables you to create and gain insights about your ideal patient cohorts in minutes. It allows you to get hands-on with our commercial claims data and offers a deeper, more expansive view of the patients you care about than ever before. After defining your ideal patient population, you can generate and iterate on reports containing intelligence that serves as the building blocks for getting your drug, therapy or device to the patients who need them most.

What is Latitude Reporting?

The description above is really only a glimpse into how Latitude Reporting is a game-changer. I intend to fully discuss why below, but I think the best place to start is to share with you some feedback from one of our clients who got early access to Latitude Reporting.

“Without a doubt, being able to iterate is huge. All data begets more questions—so to be able to dig into that information quickly is definitely vital.” 

I bolded the three words above because I believe they illustrate some of the key benefits that Latitude Reporting provides. Let’s go through each one, starting in reverse order.

You need insights quickly

We designed Latitude Reporting to respect your time (and your busy day) and help you get the healthcare commercial intelligence that you need in an ever-shifting, ever-complex market.

For example, if you’re a life sciences company looking to go-to-market with a new drug or medical device, you need to have complete confidence not only in the accuracy of your data but also in its timeliness. When change happens rapidly and decisions need to be made, you may not have the time to hire an outside consultant and wait for their analysis. You need to access the data yourself – and fast.

Latitude Reporting puts that power firmly in your hands. You’ll have access to billions of claims data and an intuitive report building tool to quickly get the insights you need in minutes, present them in a report and make the decisions that bring your product to market faster.

Find the answers to your questions—and then some

All data leads to more questions. It’s a common refrain, and it’s one that is at the heart of Latitude Reporting. When you sit down to start designing your ideal patient population, you’ve got a load of questions. Questions like:

  • Where are the patients in my cohort located?
  • Which types of healthcare professionals are treating them?
  • Who is using my drug or device?
  • Who is using a competitor’s drug or device?

These questions are critical to ask because they guide your journey to get the most meaningful intelligence for your strategy. By itself, claims data is useful—but might lack the context on the broader healthcare landscape you need for the story you’re trying to tell.

The data-gathering journey can be cyclical. You might start with one set of questions and find the data exposes even more questions! Thus, the process continues.

Latitude Reporting is a huge help to exactly that process. Because creating patient cohorts and reports is so quick and easy to do, the answers you were looking for—and even those you weren’t–are only a few clicks away. You can sort through billions of commercial claims and explore, evolve and refine as you go. We also built out advanced search capabilities so you can finely tune your search parameters for precision targeting.

You can iterate again and again

As your information needs change with your goals and shifts in the market, the need for timely healthcare commercial intelligence remains. You can use Latitude Reporting to quickly pivot and stay ahead of the market and your competitors.

Once you’ve found your ideal patient cohort, you can use the report builder to create reports in record time. Start from scratch or choose a template and then customize it to focus on what’s important to you. Our claims data updates in real-time, so you can pull up a new report whenever you need the most up-to-date insights.

It’s intuitive at its core

Latitude Reporting is designed to be intuitive—quick and easy to use for anyone. And I meant it when I said no data science degree is required.

And that’s because Latitude Reporting is designed for business users, empowering you to make more informed commercialization decisions. It’s easy to explore and analyze data from multiple angles, customize it to your needs, cleanly present it and then make decisions.

Latitude Reporting puts the power of data science in your hands, freeing you from the need to rely on analytics experts or third-party consultants.

Of course, if you happen to be a data scientist, you’ll find that Latitude Reporting can help streamline your operations.

Get started with Latitude Reporting

Latitude Reporting is a great fit for any company that uses prescription and medical claims data to shape its commercial strategy. It’s comprehensive enough for you to explore countless options from a multitude of angles yet intuitive enough that you can do it by yourself. We believe marketing and sales teams within biopharmaceutical and medical device companies will find Latitude Reporting especially valuable.

To get started with Latitude Reporting, you’ll need a Definitive Healthcare Pro package, which includes PhysicianView and ClaimsMx. While optional, integrating our ClaimsRx product allows you to get even more value from our healthcare commercial intelligence. And of course, all of these products are available as part of the Definitive Healthcare platform, so they work together seamlessly.

What’s your Latitude?

Latitude Reporting enables you to use billions of commercial claims to rapidly build patient cohorts that target specific disease states in real-time, completely customized to your needs. Anyone on your team can quickly start creating and iterating reports, so you can find answers to your questions and make more informed decisions.

We’re extremely excited to have you dig into Latitude Reporting! And, just like all of our products, stay tuned for regular updates and enhancements that will continue to improve the quality of our healthcare commercial intelligence.

If you’re interested in seeing Latitude Reporting in action and how it can help your business, sign up for a free trial today.

Kate Shamsuddin Jensen

About the Author

Kate Shamsuddin Jensen

As Chief Product Officer of Definitive Healthcare, Kate leads the company’s product innovation and market strategy. She also works in support of operational initiatives…

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