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Infographic: Telemedicine use surges by specialty following COVID-19

Jun 25th, 2020

Telemedicine use surges by specialty following COVID-19

Patient fears of contracting COVID-19 coupled with decreased hospital capacity is leading physicians to adopt telemedicine services for patient consultations. While virtual care isn’t always a replacement for an in-person visit, some medical specialties are taking full advantage of these technologies.

In the webinar Selling to Doctors and Hospitals in a Changed Market, Definitive Healthcare CEO Jason Krantz discusses the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare market so far—including the rise of virtual health services.

Use the infographic below to learn more about which physician specialties and geographic regions are seeing the greatest rise in telemedicine use:

An infographic with three visuals explaining where there is greatest growth in telehealth use

Fig 1 Data is from Definitive Healthcare’s Medical Claims database, covering January through April 2019, and January through April 2020. Medical claims data is sourced through multiple clearinghouses and updated on a monthly basis.

Definitive Healthcare

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Definitive Healthcare

This blog was written by a former contributor at Definitive Healthcare. At Definitive Healthcare, our passion is to transform data, analytics and expertise into healthcare…

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